History of Acworth, Edited by J.L. Merrill, Town Historian. Published by the Town, 1869.

Page 121 The Charter of 1766-First Settlements
     In 1767 three young men from Connecticut, William Keyes, Joseph Chatterton, and Samuel Smith, were induced to choose farms in the newly granted town. They immediately began to clear these farms, and in the spring of 1768 William Keyes brought his young wife to the cabin he had built. She with an infant a few months old made the journey from Ashford, Cot., in an ox-cart, in which also was stowed all the household goods they brought with them. They settled on the farm now occupied by Hon. Jesse Slader.
     The first settlements near the center of town were made the year by Henry Silsby, Ephraim Keyes, nad Samuel Smith Sr. These were all Connecticut men. They wer followed from their native State by comparatively few. But the Connecticut settlers wielded a large influence in town, and most of them were the progenitors of a numerous posterity, and a largeproportion of the inhabitants of the town during the last two generations could claim relationship to them, besides very many who have emigrated from Acworth.

page 139 Town Treasurers
1791. Amos Keyes 1808-9. Amos Keyes

page 140-selectmen-representatives to the legislature
1804-6. Gawin Gilmore, Amos Keyes, Lemuel Lincoln

page 166
The 4th of July was first celebrated in 1808. The tables were set north and south on the common, and they were furnished with a substantial dinner, prepared by Mr. Amos Keyes who then kept a tavern. There were also speeches and music, and the affair was closed with a ball in the evening, in the upper room of Keyes' tavern.